Available — From $1.5k/mo/creator

Rent dedicated
creators in the USA

20 videos/mo per creator posted on TikTok, Reels and Shorts.

Trusted By


We didn't re-invent influencer marketing.
We just made it dead simple.


15 mins intro call, submit requirements, we handle the rest.


Scale to more influencers and track performances.


Get content out without the hassle of influencers marketing.


Get started quickly and iterate weekly on hooks.

Fixed Rate

for 20 videos posted monthly on all platforms (see more in FAQ).


No contracts, cancel anytime, no bullshit

We know the pain, we've been there.

8 hrs
to source 1000s of influencers
4 hrs
to negotiate the best deals
4 hrs
to interview & vet influencers
1 hrs
to handle contracts
3 hrs
to follow-up for deliverables
1 hrs
to manage weekly payments
4 hrs
to ensure videos are delivered
3 hrs
to track each video
...every week

there is an easier way

Let us handle everything,
and just spread your content.

We're the team to scale your organic short form video marketing.

$15000(50% off)

for 10 creators

  • Get Started ASAP

  • Async + Email

  • Fully Managed

  • Access to Shortimize.com

  • Stripe / Invoice

How many influencers do you need?

Set your contract term:

Frequently Asked Questions

We've got answers to your questions. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to us.

Hey 👋

We started Find Me Creators after running accounts that drove tens of thousands of users to our apps. We also worked with dozens of micro creators for both B2C and B2B apps.

The process was so painful that we built multiple tools to help ourselves scale influencer marketing. Find Me Creator's Influencer as a Service is the ultimate product we built to radically solve this problem for you.

It's already helping multiple startups scale their marketing efforts.

Jean & Guillaume

Find Me Creators team

Resources & Tools

We've built tools to make influencer marketing simpler.